Arcadia Weddings

Unique seaside wedding venue Portrush

Set against the backdrop of the Atlantic Ocean and  the East Strand , The Arcadia  offers couples the ideal space to celebrate their big day. Whether you’re tying the knot for the first time, or renewing your vows we are dedicated to ensuring you have the best possible experience. From civil partnerships to second weddings, if you come to The Arcadia, you’ll have memories to cherish forever.

Beauty by the beach

Spectacular Coastal Weddings

With sweeping views of the Atlantic Ocean and  the soothing sounds of the sea The Arcadia is the perfect place to enjoy your big day. We specialise in small intimate bespoke weddings. Our intimate first-floor space can accommodate up to 50 people, the whole building becomes available after 5pm when the café shuts.

At The Arcadia, you can:

  • Choose your own caterers
  • BYO (bring your own) alcohol
  • Enjoy the terrace area for refreshments
  • Take the perfect wedding photographs with a backdrop of the ocean or The Arcadia’s beautiful décor

Full Day

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Ceremony Only

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Evening Dinner Only

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Perfect For

Wedding Photography

With the spectacular White Rocks beach and Dunluce Castle also just a stone’s throw away, you can easily visit these beautiful locations for guaranteed great photographs at any point in the day. 

Licensed to host the wedding of your dreams, The Arcadia offers fantastic value for your special occasion. When you choose The Arcadia to celebrate your wedding day, you can expect premium service, quality food and a wonderful experience that will stay with you for the rest of your life.

Wedding Gallery

Our happy couples

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